Conversation with a younger me

 I was putting up the 'Responsibility Chart' for kids last evening. It's a weekly chart with changeable labels of responsibilities, they need to complete, to earn a badge. It's a great tool to keep the kids motivated! 

As I was putting up the chart, I wondered how a 20 year-younger me would react to such an idea. Here's how the conversation with a 19-year-old me would look like

Younger Me: What's that you're putting up?
Wiser Me: It's called a Responsibility Chart
Younger Me: A what? 
Wiser Me (rolling the eyes): A Responsibility Chart; a tool that motivates kids to do their chores and be at their best behavior
Younger Me: Wow! kids these days are real lucky; they get motivated to do their chores.
And what do these badges earn them? 
Wiser Me: It depends on how much they manage to earn. They get a gift, a privilege or something. 
Younger Me: How I wish I had similar motivations. You bet I'd be an Angel by now. 
Wiser Me: Hey! you got some real good motivation too, only they weren't badges, but tattoos on your backside when you received a good whack. And believe me, the tattoos are way more effective than these badges. 
Younger Me: Ha! yes, who can ever forget them. All's well that ends well and look at how great you've turned out to be with all the motivation 😆 

Rules of parenting have changed drastically in these decades. Hope you're enjoying the journey of giving badges and tattoos for motivation 😉


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